Wen - Li ,lo
Department of Physical Therapy
Fooyin University
Wen - Li ,Lo had done her master's from Kaohsiung Medical University Institute of Natural Medicineand PhD from Kaohsiung Medical University School of Pharmacy. She was Pharmacist at Kaohsiung Military Dependents Outpatient s Clinic and Adjunct Instructor at Oriental Institute of Technology Management and cosmetic applications. At present she is Asssistant professor at Fooyin University.
Research Interest
Extraction , Isolation and Chemical Structure Elucidation of Ingredients from N atural Materials
Wen - Li Lo (2010, May). Chemical constituents from the leaves of Michelia alba. Natural Product Research , 398 – 406. (SCI). NSC 95 - 2320 - B - 242 - 004.
Wen - Li Lo1, Lee - Yu Huang2, Hui - Min Wang3,4*, Chung - Yi Chen1* (2010, May). CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS FROM THE STEMS OF Michelia alba. Chemistry of Natural Compounds , 46(4), 664 - 665. (SCI). NSC 95 - 2320 - B - 242 - 004.
Iung - Jr Lin a; Wen - Li Lo b; Yi - Chen Chia c; Lee - Yu Huang d; Thau - Ming Cham a; Wan - Shan Tseng d; (2010, May ). Isolation of new esters from the stems of Cinnamomum reticulatum Hay. Natural Product Research , 775 - 780. (SCI). NSC 97 - 2320 - B - 242 - 002 - MY3.
Ming - Jen Chenga; Ming - Der Wua; Ih - Sheng Chenb; Chung - Yi Chenc; Wen - Li Loc; Gwo - Fang Yuana (2010, Jun). Secondary metabolites from the red mould rice of Monascus purpureus. Natural Product Research , 24(18), 1719 - 1725.. (SCI)
CYTOTOXIC EVALUATION OF COMPONENTS of LEAVES AND STEMS OF Machiluszuihoensis var. mushaensis , Chemistry of Natural Compounds , 2014 , 6 ,978 - 981