Yi-feng Pao
Department of Health Business Administration
Fooyin University
Yi-Feng Pao had done her B. A. in Dance from Chinese Culture University , Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. (1992) and M.S. in Human Performance and Health Promotion from University of New Orleans , LA, USA . (1996).She was Choreographer of The Fourth Golden Melody Awards.She was Executive Directer of ROC Fitness Yoga Association. She was also Infant Fitness Consultant at Tainan Jordan Baby Daycare Center.She was also Vice Chairman and Training Group leader of Chinese Taipei Underwater Federation - Aquaerobic Committee. At present she is Assistant Professor at Department of Health - business Administration, Fooyin University.
Research Interest
1. Dance Education and Training 2. fitness training and exercise prescription 3. Sports Marketing and Management
Pil ates used in the game of golf training (category: Other Date: 2009/08, Publication Name: Golf college science journal, published volume: 0, leave periods: 6)
The impact of jet lag diet and its application in sports performance - biological clock influences (category of diet and exercise performance: Other Date: 2010/01, Publication Name: cloud HKUST Sport published volume: 0, publish ed installments: 12)
The study of consumer decision -making golf driving range - Kaohsiung Case Study (Category: Other Date: 2010/08, Publication Name: Golf college science journal, published volu me: 0, leave periods: 7)
recreational sports career employee self - identification research staff team identity and effectiveness of the work Relationship - A Case Golf Club (Category: Other Date: 2011/08, Publication Name: Golf college science journal, published several volumes : 0, leave periods: 8)
College student mov ement and the motive for participation in elective golf lesson.Discussion (: Other Date: 2012/08, Publication Name: Golf college science journal, published volumes: one published two installments: 9 categories)
Students participate in golf hinder scale structure of the Reliability and Validity (read category: Other Date: 2015/12, Publication Name: Sports and Amos Statistics Applications Journal, published in Volume: 4, published in installments: 2 )