Ruey-yi Chang
Life Science
National Dong Hwa University
Ruey-Yi Chang is currently working as a dynamic Professor, Chairman at National Dong Hawa University . She did her PhD in Microbiology, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA, 1994 and later contributed for many publications.
Research Interest
Molecular mechanism during Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) RNA genome replication, Design of therapeutic molecules to block virus replication.
Lin, C.-N., R.-Y. Chang, B.-L. Su, L.-L. Chueh*. 2013. Full genome analysis of a novel type II feline coronavirus NTU156. Virus genes 46: 316-322.
Chang, R.-Y.*, T.-W. Hsu, Y.-L. Chen, S.-F. Liu, Y.-J. Tsai, Y.-T. Lin, Y.-S. Chen, and Y.-H. Fan. 2013. Japanese Encephalitis Virus Non-coding RNA Inhibits Activation of Interferon by Blocking Nuclear Translocation of Interferon Regulatory Factor 3. Veterinary Microbiology 166:11-21.
Tien, C.-F. S.-C. Cheng., Y.-P. Ho., Y.-S. Chen., J.-H. Hsu., and R.-Y. Chang*.Inhibition of aldolase A blocks biogenesis of ATP and attenuates Japanese encephalitis virus production. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications vol 443, pp 464-469, 2014.