Yu-yun Chen
Associate Professor
Natural resources and Environmental sciences
National Dong Hwa University
Yu-Yun Chen serves the position of Associate Proffesor of Natural resources and Environmental sciences and she received her education in Ph. D., Plant Biology Department, University of Georgia, USA. Her Research Fields includes Forest dynamics, plant phenology, Evolutionary ecology, quantitative ecology.
Research Interest
Forest dynamics, plant phenology, Evolutionary ecology, quantitative ecology
Hosaka T, Yumoto T, Chen YY, Sun, IF, Wright, SJ, Noor, NSMD. 2011. Abundance of insect seed predators and intensity of seed predation on Shorea (Dipterocarpaceae) in two consecutive masting events in Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 27: 651-655.
Chisholm RA, Condit R, Rahman KA, Baker PJ, Bunyavejchewin S, Chen YY, Chuyong G, Dattaraja HS, Davies S, Ewango CEN, Gunatilleke CVS, Gunatilleke IAUN, Hubbell SP, Kenfack D, Kiratiprayoon S, Lin YC, Makana JR, Pongpattananurak N, Pulla S, Punchi-Manage R, Sukumar R, Su SH, Sun IF, Suresh HS, Tan S, Thomas D, Yap S. 2014. Temporal variability of forest communities: empirical estimates of population change in 4000 tree species. Ecology Letters. 17: 855-865.
Wright SJ, Sun IF, Pickering M, Fletcher CD, Chen YY* . 2015. Long-term changes in liana loads and tree dynamics in a Malaysian forest. Ecology. 96:2748–2757