Yang, Chung-chia
Institute of Materials Engineering
National Taiwan Ocean University
Ph.D, Univ. of Northwestern. U.S.A.
Research Interest
Construction materials
Yang CC, Lin SS, Cho SW. Relation between migration coeÅcient from accelerated chloride migration test and diÄusion coeÅcient from ponding test. Kuwait J. Sci. Eng. 2005;32(2):165-86.
Yang CC, Chiang SC. A rapid method for determination of the chloride migration coefficient in concrete using electrical field. Journal of ASTM International. 2008 Apr 28;5(4):1-3.
Yang CC, Chiang CT. Relation between the chloride migration coefficients of concrete from the colourimetric method and the chloride profile method. Journal of the Chinese institute of engineers. 2009 Sep 1;32(6):801-9.