Chung-liang Chien
Medical Genomics and Proteomics
National Taiwan University
Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University (1980-1984) Master's Degree, Institute of Anatomy, School of Medicine, National Taiwan University (1986-1989) Doctor of Pathology, Columbia University School of Medicine (1989-1995)
Research Interest
Neuroscience, Stem Cell Biology, Development Biology, Anatomy
Lu, K.S., C.L. Chien, and Y.P. Chau. 1992. Effects of 5-hydroxydopamine and 6-hydroxydopamine on the ultrastructure of Type I cells in paraganglia of the rat recurrent laryngeal nerve. Arch. Histol. Cytol. 55:57-65.
Chau, Y.P., C.L. Chien, and K.S. Lu. 1991. The permeability of capillaries among the small granule-containing cell in rat superior cervical ganglia: an ultrastructural lanthanum tracer study. Histol. Histopathol. 6:261-268.
Chien, C.L., Y.P. Chau, and K.S. Lu. 1991. Ultrastructural studies on the barrier properties of the paraganglia in the rat recurrent laryngeal nerve. Acta Anat. 141:262-268.