Li-sheng Wang
Professor & Director
Institute of Applied Mechanics
National Taiwan University
PhD (Electrical Engineering), University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1990 MS (Electrical Engineering), University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1987 BS (Electrical Engineering), National Taiwan University, 1983
Research Interest
Dynamics and control Space Dynamics Analytic Mechanics Nonlinear Systems Navigation and Control
Lai, H.-C., Jing-Sin Liu, Der-Tsai Lee, Li-Sheng Wang, 2003, “Design Parameters Study on the Stability and Perception of Riding Comfort of the Electrical Motorcycles Under Rider Leaning,†Mechantronics, Vol. 13, pp. 49-76.
Wang, L.-S., Y. T. Chiang, F. R. Chang, 2002, “Filtering Method for Nonlinear Systems with Constraints,†IEE Proc.-Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 149, No. 6, 525-531.
Y. T. Chiang, L.-S. Wang, F. R. Chang, H. M. Peng, 2002, October, “Constrained Filtering Method for Attitude Determination Using GPS and Gyro,†IEE Proc.-Radar, Sonar and Navigation, Vol. 149, No. 5, pp. 258-264.