Chien-wen Chen
Contracted Assistant Researcher
Botanical Garden Division
Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Chien-Wen Chen is an Associate Researcher & Chief of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. His Research interest and job description include plant taxonomy; management of herbarium; biodiversity information management; ecoinformation management; database management.
Research Interest
Plant taxonomy; management of herbarium; biodiversity information management; ecoinformation management; database management.
Lu CT, Chen CW, Wang JC (2009) Asarum yaeyamense Hatusima (Aristolochiaceae) newly found in northern Taiwan. Taiwan J For Sci 24: 149-157.
Jung MJ, Chen CW, Chung SW, Kuoh CS (2009) Supplements to the grasses (Poaceae) in Taiwan (I). Taiwania 54: 69-75.
Cheng YP, Chen CW, Chiou WL, et al. (2008) Allozyme Variations of a Widespread Tree Fern, Alsophila spinulosa (Hook.) Tryon (Cyatheaceae), in Taiwan. Taiwan J For Sci 23: 21-34.