Dr. Meghana Patwardhan
Pain Management
Nanavathi super speciality hospital
Qualification F.I.P.M - Fellowship in pain medicine F.C.P.S - Fellowship of CPS in anesthesiology D.A. - Diploma in Anesthesiology Experience Clinical fellow at Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai - 2yrs Consultant Anesthesiologist independently working - 10 years Clinical associate in anesthesiology & critical care, P.D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai - 2yrs Lecturer in Anesthesiology, B.Y.L.Nair Hospital, Mumbai - 1 yr Membership ISSP - Indian Society for Study Of Pain ISA - Indian Society of Anesthesiologists ASPA - Asian Society Of Paediatric Anesthesia AMC - Association Of Medical Consultants
Research Interest
Research and Publications Use of Butorphanol in PCA for acute pain relief in post-surgical patients Paper presentation on use of SCS (spinal cord stimulation) in a case of intractable pain of CRPS - ISSPCON 2014