
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Sunatullo Jonboboev

UCA Senior Research Fellow
Department of Philosophy
University of Central Asia


PhD courses, Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences, Tajikistan Kandidat Philosophskikh nauk (PhD) in Philosophy, Academic Council of the Institute of Philosophy and Law, Dushanbe, Tajikistan University Diploma in journalism and Tajik philology, Tajik State University, Tajikistan

Research Interest

Sunatullo’s research focuses on the role and the condition of teaching and researching humanities in Central Asia, and the history of Ismaili philosophy. Previously, Sunatullo was Senior Manager of the Faculty Development Programme at UCA’s Aga Khan Humanities Project (AKHP); taught at Tajik Technical University, Khorog State University and Tajik State National University; and was a Research Fellow with the Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies, Aga Khan University (London), and with the Giessen-Leibig University (Germany). Sunatullo has conducted research on the philosophy of Earster peripatetic (masha’iya), and published articles on philosophical poetry in the age of Samanids and the problem of universality in philosophy of Nasir Khusraw.

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