Food & Nutrition

Food & Nutrition Experts

Theobald E Mosha

Department of Food Technology, Nutrition and Consumer Scienc
Sokoine university of Agriculture


Prof Theobald Conrard Edward Mosha holds PhD in Human Nutrition (Michigan State University (USA), 2004.), M.Sc. in Food and Nutritional Sciences (Tuskegee University in Alabama, 1994) and BSc in Human Nutrition (Sokoine University of Agriculture, 1988). He was first employed as a Faculty member in the Department of Food Science and Technology at Sokoine University of Agriculture in 1989. Ever since, he has climbed through the ranks of promotion from Tutorial Assistant in 1989 to a full professor rank in 2010. His basic responsibilities are teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate students in Human Nutrition, Food Science, Family and Consumer Studies and Public Health.

Research Interest

Maternal and Child Nutrition, Micronutrient Nutrition and Food Fortification especially with Vitamin A, Iron and Iodine, Household Food Security and Public Health Nutrition

Global Experts from Tanzania

Global Experts in Subject

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