Elif Keskinöz
Department of Anatomy
Acibadem University
Elif Nedret Keskinöz graduated from Abant Ä°zzet Baysal University, Faculty of Science, Department of English Biology with the third prize. She was eligible for Biology Teacher Education Scholarship for the non-thesis master’s program at Bilkent University Graduate School of Education Program. During the education, she completed her internship in Iowa State University (USA) through Fulbright. A year later from graduation she attended to thesis master degree program in Marmara University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy. She got PhD degre from Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Medicine, Departmen of Anatomy. She has worked in Acıbadem University, Department of Anatomy since 2010 as instructor
Research Interest
Neuroanatomy, Cardiovascular anatomy, thalamus-cortex connections, Genetic Absans Epilepsy Mechanism, Common carotid artery branches and diameters.
Keskinoz EN, Salbacak A, Akın D, Kabakçı ADA, Yılmaz MT, Çiçekçibaşı AE, Özbek O. Morphometric Analysis of iliocaval region related to lumbar vertebra and aortic bifurcation on multidetector computed tomography (MDCT). XXIV International ISMS Congress. 2-6 September, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey
Cavdar S., Sirvanci S., Hacıoğlu H., Keskinoz E., Akakın D., Onat F., A quantitative comparison of synaptic junctions and terminals in three first order and three higher order thalamic nuclei of wistar rats, July 3-7, 2010, 7th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Amsterdam/ The Netherlands.
Cavdar S., Sirvanci S., Akakın D., Midillioğlu Ş., Keskinoz E., Çakmak Y.Ö., Onat F.,The number of driver and modulator terminals in the ventro-basal and posterior thalamic nuclei in normal and genetic absence epilepsy rats from Strasbourg (GEARS); using electron-microscopy; October 28- November 1, 2008, 12. Ulusal Anatomi Kongresi, Mersin/ Turkey