
Food & Nutrition Experts

Fatih Oz

Assistant Professor
Food Engineering & Nutritional Science
Ataturk University


He graduated at Ataturk University in 1998. Dr. Fatih Oz`s background is in meat science. He has held one post-doctoral position at The Pennsylvania State University. He worked as a research and teaching assistant at Ataturk University between 1999 and 2007. He started working as an assistant professor at Ataturk University in 2007. He is involved in teaching several undergraduate and graduate courses at Ataturk University including catering, food processing and analysis techniques, meat consumption and health, mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds in foods. Dr. Fatih Oz was invited to serve on the Editorial Board of Journal of Food Processing and Preservation and Journal of Food Science and Engineering. He is also serving as an Editorial Board member of reputed journals and as reviewer to several Journals in Food Science.   He graduated at Ataturk University in 1998. Dr. Fatih Oz`s background is in meat science. He has held one post-doctoral position at The Pennsylvania State University. He worked as a research and teaching assistant at Ataturk University between 1999 and 2007. He started working as an assistant professor at Ataturk University in 2007. He is involved in teaching several undergraduate and graduate courses at Ataturk University including catering, food processing and analysis techniques, meat consumption and health, mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds in foods. Dr. Fatih Oz was invited to serve on the Editorial Board of Journal of Food Processing and Preservation and Journal of Food Science and Engineering. He is also serving as an Editorial Board member of reputed journals and as reviewer to several Journals in Food Science.  

Research Interest

Meat Science, Food Chemistry, Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Compounds in Foods.

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