
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Atilla One

Faculty of Literature
Fatih Sultan Mehmet University


He was born in 1941 in Izmir. He completed his secondary education in Izmir and Istanbul and graduated from Saint Joseph High School in 1959. In 1960, he started to study at the Electricity Faculty of the Karlsruhe Higher School of Technology (TH-Karlsruhe) and graduated from the Weak Currents Department in 1966 as Electrical Higher Engineer. He worked as a control engineer in the Siemens-Karlsruhe Research Laboratory for a year and contributed to the development of electronic control systems. During 1968-1969 he worked as a control engineer at AÄŸrı Construction and Real Estate Office during his reserve officer. In 1970, he entered ITU Faculty of Electricity as an assistant to the Department of Electrical Appliances and Exercise. In 1975, he gave his doctorate on "Foreseeable and Evident Control Systems". In 1980, he received his title of "Geometrical Interpretation of Optimal Control Problems" and his title of Professor in 1989. He retired from the age limit at the beginning of 2008 after serving as a member of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, Control and Control Systems Department of Electrical Engineering at ITU for 38 years. During this period, he gave lectures in the fields of Automatic Control, Digital Control, Stochastic Control, Robust Control and Modeling and Control of Biological Systems in the undergraduate and graduate education of the Faculty and directed 6 doctorates. He has also taught at Istanbul University, Department of History of Science and ITU 's Human and Social Sciences program on' Technology History 'and' History of Science Instruments'. Professor Dr. Kazim was appointed by the Chechen Institute of Turkish-Islamic Science and Technology History, which was established by ITU in 1975. This institute was organized in 1981 and 1986, International Turkish-Islamic Science and Technology History Congresses found in science boards. The first congress of Benu Musa 'Kitab al Hiyal' and the second congress of the Turkish ruler of the principle and use of the name and the use of the name reported to have been instrumental in his studies on the history of science. The book titled " Kitab al-Hiyal " by Banu Musa Bin Shakir , written in English in 1990 and published by IRCICA, is an examination of the book about mechanical systems in the nineteenth century in terms of modern system engineering. In the following years, he wrote articles in various popular journals related to the works carried out in the Islamic period, and especially in relation to his work, the history of Control and Systems Engineering, and the many topics of interest to young engineers. In addition, Mahmut Kayral, Y. Müh. Åžinasi Acar and especially the historian of science. Dr. Mustafa Kaçar writes in scientific journals and gives conferences.

Research Interest

History of Science and Literature.


  • M. Khan, A. Bir, "The H model matching problem with one degree of freedom static state feedback," Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, vol.11, nr.1, 2003, p.35-44.

  • L. Greens, A. Bir, & quot; A new spectral factorization method, & quot; Systems Science Journal, 1988, vol.14, nr.4, p.13-22.

  • L.Gören, A.Bir; "The extension of the Wiener filtering theory by factorizing polynomial matrices", IASTED Control and Computers, vol.15, nr.1, 1987, p.7-11.

  • A. Bir, "Al-Cazari - A medieval engineer at the Artukid capital Diyarbakir," Turkish Review, Summer 1987, vol.2, nr.8, Ankara, p.33-48.

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