Greenfield Holdings
MILLMA Ozenir Milling
Özenir Milling Machines Company produces milling machines and equipments. Our wide product range includes various kinds of machines and equipments including cleaning, milling, conveying and packaging. So that we can provide turn-key services for · Flour and Semolina Factories · Seed Cleaning Plants · Feed Factories · Legumes Factoriesı · Spice Milling and Cleaning Factories Our factory in Konya/Turkey is dedicated to provide reliable and high quality products and services since it is established in 1996.
Research Interest
Milling Machinery,Elevator,Grain Separator,Separator,Stone Separator,Dust Aspirator,Wheat Scourer,Intensive Dampener,Washer,Vibro Gravity,Milling,Roller Mill,Plansifter,Filter,Pneumatic,Scale, Rotoflow,Packaging,Screw Conveyor,Silo, Mill,