Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology Experts

Dula Man

Molecular Biology Department
Texas Tech University..


Dula Man is an Assistant Professor at Delaware State University. He has completed his PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Texas at El Paso, and Post-doctorate at University of California Irvine. He has navigated the science fields from molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, DNA repair, genome edting to nanomaterial engineering. He has published numerous refereed papers. Dula Man is an Assistant Professor at Delaware State University. He has completed his PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Texas at El Paso, and Post-doctorate at University of California Irvine. He has navigated the science fields from molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, DNA repair, genome edting to nanomaterial engineering. He has published numerous refereed papers.

Research Interest

molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, DNA repair, genome edting to nanomaterial engineering.

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