
Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Experts

Casim Umba Tolo

Mbarara University of Science and Technology


Casim Umba Tolo (Ph.D) is 38 years old and holds B. Sc. with education [Hons, Chemistry (minor) & Biology (major)] and M.Sc. in Biology (Vertebrate Ecology with wildlife Management and Conservation). He is a lecturer in Department of Biology, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (south-western, Uganda). Casim Umba Tolo completed his Ph.D degree in Biology (Palaeo-climate and Palaeo-environmental changes) in the tropical Africa. The focus of his Ph.D thesis was reconstructing the palaeo-climate and palaeo-enviornment, especially the pattern of past vegetation changes in Lake Victoria basin during the Late-Glacial to Late-Holocene period using a multi-proxy and multi-core approaches. Microfossils pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs (e.g. charcoal, d13C isotope, spores and Pediastrum species) recovered from Lake sediment cores were the key proxies that he was using in reconstructing the palaeo-climate and palaeo-environment. Casim Umba Tolo is also active/interested in research in the areas ranging from  Climate Change Risks to Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Biodiversity Conservation Strategies in a Changing Climate, Climate Change Adaptation and Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Subsistence Agriculture, Primate Ecology and Conservation, Rangeland Ecology and Management, Human-environment interactions, a way in which societies can develop sustainable solutions for environmental problems, Conservation and Management of Biological Resources, Solid waste disposal and management and how it relates to the environmental health. Casim Umba Tolo is also happily married to Masudio Dokas Tolo (Mrs) and they have three lovely children; Donald Umba Junior (date of birth: 12-03-2005; and now in Primary Three); Daniela Belle Tolo (date of birth: 24-12-2008; and now in Middle Class); and Desmond Umba Tolo (date of birth: 09-03-2012). 

Research Interest

 Climate Risk Management and Mitigation of Community

Global Experts from Uganda

Global Experts in Subject

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