Imelda Kemeza
Educational Foundations and Psychology
Mbarara University of Science and Technology
Background Academic Qualification: PhD Educational Psychology) Med. (Educational Psychology) Bachelor of Education (Hons) Diploma Teacher Education Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations (Merit) Other Trainings: Trainings by MURIIT Training in Psychometrics – (8th to 11th December, 2015) EndNote Training – (3rd to 5th February, 2016) Manuscript Writing – (22nd to 26th February, 2016) Qualitative Research Methods for Health Researchers – (29th Feb to 5th March, 2016) Gender Mainstreaming Training – (16th to 18th March, 2016) Trainings by others organizations SESEMAT trainings and workshops (8th-9th September, 2010; 29th October, 2010) Linux LTSP system training (March, 2010) Graduate Teacher and Changing World Workshop (5th November, 2010) Peace Building workshop from 7th -8th February 2011by UJCC Research and Financial Management organized by Makerere University and SIDA hosted by the Faculty of Development Studies from (11th -14th July, 2011) Archaeology, Environment and Heritage around Lake Victoria Workshop on 20th -22nd June 2011 sponsored by the British Academy UK-Africa Partnership programme Research Methodology by IITR- MUST and Linnaeus University Sweden (16th to 30th April, 2014) Methods of Field Work by IITR- MUST and Linnaeus University Sweden (6th to 23rd May, 2014) Graduate Thesis Supervised: 1. Management of Disruptive Behaviour in Secondary Schools in Rukungiri District for Moses Abahikye 2. The Impact of Enrolment on the Headteacher’s Efficiency in Mbarara Municipality Primary Schools for Fredah Ikiriza. 3. Factors Affecting Parents’ Roles in Adolescent girls’ Sex Education in Rwampara County, Mbarara District for Fred Twebembeire. 4. The Effect of Participatory Management of Resources on Performance in Curricular and Co-curricular Activities in Western Uganda Primary Teachers’ Colleges for Joyce Nanteza. 5. Students’ Discipline and Performance in Uganda Certificate of Education Examinations in Ibanda District Secondary Schools for Deusidedit Tumusiime. 6. The Role of the Community in Averting Strikes in Secondary Schools of Mbarara Municipality for Fr. James Nuwagaba (co-supervised) 7. Menstruation and Academic Performance of Primary School Girls in Mbarara Municipality Julian Kiriza (co-supervised) 8. Extrinsic Motivation on Job Performance of Secondary School Teachers in Rubirizi District for Stella Busingye(co-supervised) Research Experience: i) Effect of Accent Differences on Students’ Recognition and Comprehension of Mathematical Concepts and Terms: A comparison study (Imelda Kemeza, Dinesh Sarvate and Sudi Balmuttajjo) ii) Factors associated with delayed and early presentation of children under five to Kazo Health Centre IV iii) Knowledge, Attitudes and behavior towards use of insecticide treated mosquito nets among pregnant women and children in Isingiro District , South western Uganda iv) Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Academic Performance: Behavioral Consequences among Secondary School Students in Mbarara District (2015) v) Re-skilling the youth through Agriculture Education: The Experience of Kent Vocational Institute, Mbarara Municipality (2014) vi) Science and Women: Coping –Efficacy with Pregnancy Stress is Mbarara University Walking the Talk – Imelda Kemeza and Fortunate Atwiine (2010) vii) Pro-social and Well-being spearheaded by Dr Elizabeth Dunn (University of British Columbia) in collaboration with Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Makerere University and other organizations in USA) 2009-2010 viii) Strengthening Social and Environmental Accounting Practices in Uganda(collaboration) Mbarara University, Busitema University and Makerere University School of Business) with funding from National Council for Higher Education- Uganda (2010-2011) ix) School Violence and Bullying: The Role of Media. x) Climate Change and Globalization: Psychological Implications that Accrue from Methods Employed to Reconstruct Climate Change-2009 xi) Ugandan Christianity: Shaping Identity- dynamics and Peace Building between the North and South (2007) xii) Telic and para-telic: Zanzibar Island Culture, a behavioral Analysis of a Wedding (2006) xiii) Gender Mainstreaming in Universities: Mbarara University of Science and Technology (2006) xiv) Levels of Awareness and Attitudes of Primary Teachers towards Universal Primary Education, 2002 xv) Improving Education Quality (IEQ) with Uganda National Examination Board and The American Institute of Research, funding was obtained from USAID (1998- 1999) xvi) Impact of Child-to Child Programme in Mpigi (1993) xvii) Factors Promoting Effective Teaching in Kampala Schools ITEK,(1990) Other Activities: Member, Mbarara University Women in Science (MUST-AWIST) Member, Noble Ladies Association Member, Lions Club of Mbarara Member, Board of Governors Immaculate Heart SS Patron, Nyakibale Immaculate Heart Old Girls Association (NIHOGA) Mbarara Chapter
Research Interest
Behavior, self-efficacy, attitudes, pedagogy, social responsibility, peace, environment and climate change
Katamba,D., Nkiiko.C.M., Tushabomwe-Kazooba,C., Kemeza, I & Babiiha,S. (2014). Community involvement and development: An inter-marriage of ISO 26000 and the millennium development goals. Journal of Social Economics, 4 (9), 837-861