
Food & Nutrition Experts

Jane Yatuha

Mbarara University of Science and Technology


Basic Training Ph.D. Aquaculture and Fisheries Science (UNIMA) Malawi (2015). MSc. Zoology Makerere University Kampala Uganda (2004) BSc. Bot/Zoo Makerere University Kampala Uganda (2000).

Research Interest

My research interest lies in a deeper understanding of tropical freshwater fish species; particularly the biology of wetland fishes, their diversity, distribution, threats and conservation; as well as their potential contribution in the reduction of rural poverty and malnutrition. My PhD research project explored the feeding habits, reproductive biology and response to culture environment of Clarias liocephalus in the wetlands of western Uganda. The study revealed a number of research gaps in the life history and conservation of this species. I am in the process of developing research proposals in line with the revealed information gaps of this species. Other than fish, I also have a passion for birds; in my free time I do bird watching and I regularly participate in bird count activities. Selected short-term training in Research skills Development • Developing successful research proposals. June 2010, Royal suites, Kampala, Uganda. By Tropical Biology Association (TBA) and partners. • Writing and presenting PhD proposals: Lily Ann D. Lando (Ph.D).  July 2010, Bunda College University of Malawi. By RUFORUM and partners. • Communicating and disseminating research results. June 2011, Esella Country hotel Kampala Uganda. By TBA and partners. • Scientific Data Management (SDM) July 2011. Royal Suites Kampala. By RUFORUM and partners. • Designing Research Projects in the field, April 2012, Makerere Biological Field Station, Kibale National Park, Uganda. By TBA and partners. • Effective Teaching Strategies for Biological & Environmental Scientists (ToT), August 2012, Esella Country Hotel, Najjera, Kampala Uganda. By TBA    and partners. • Biometrics and research methods teaching resource workshop.  Sept 2013, IUIU Kibuli-Kampala Uganda.


  • Yatuha, Kasangaki and Chemurot (2014). Potential impact of municipal waste on the health of Riverine fauna of Rwizi river, western Uganda. Supported by Tropical Biology Association Small Grants (TBASG) 2014. (Project PI).

  • Yatuha (2014). Food, feeding habits and aspects of reproductive biology of Clarias liocephalus, a potential culture species for small holder fish farms in Uganda. PhD research project, University of Malawi.

  • Yatuha and Andama (2016). Population dynamics of R. Rwizi Turtles S/W Uganda: A pilot study on the turtle community in river Rwizi. (Ongoing project).

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