Oleg Bakhmatyuk
Chairman of the Board
Board of management
Mr. Bakhmatyuk graduated from the Chernivtsi Institute of Economics and Law with a degree in business administration and from the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas with a degree in engineering, physics and management. Throughout his career, Mr. Bakhmatyuk has held a succession of senior executive positions, such as CEO of the Pre-Carpathian Finance Company in 2004, CEO of the Stanislaw Trading Company in 2005. Mr. Bakhmatyuk founded Avangard in 2003 and Ukrlandfarming PLC in 2007. Between 2010 and 2013, Mr. Bakhmatyuk served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of AVANGARDCO IPL, remaining on the Board after this time. Mr. Bakhmatyuk again took over as Chairman of the Board of Directors of AVANGARDCO IPL in April 2016. Since 2010, Mr. Bakhmatyuk has also served as Chairman and CEO of Ukrlandfarming PLC. Oleg Bakhmatyuk owns several other companies in the food, transport, real estate and finance sectors.
Research Interest
His interest is focused on Economics, Law and Business