Oliver Nussbaumer
Food and Nutrition
Oliver studied General Biology in Austria before specialising in Molecular and Cell Biology. In his PhD research in Immunology, he uncovered novel innate and immune-modulatory capabilities of blood derived γδ Τ cells, leading to several publications and a patent application. In 2013, he joined Professor Hayday’s research group at King’s College London and The Francis Crick Institute with the aim to work on human tissue resident γδ T cells which had been challenging to isolate and study in the past. Under Professor Hayday’s supervision, Oliver identified a method to extract and grow these highly intriguing cells in large numbers, making them for the first time available for lab studies. These protocols, together with the initial research findings, formed the basis for King’s College London, The Francis Crick Institute and Cancer Research Technology to found GammaDelta Therapeutics in 2016.
Research Interest
Oliver studied General Biology in Austria before specialising in Molecular and Cell Biology. In his PhD research in Immunology, he uncovered novel innate and immune-modulatory capabilities of blood derived γδ Τ cells, leading to several publications and a patent application. In 2013, he joined Professor Hayday’s research group at King’s College London and The Francis Crick Institute with the aim to work on human tissue resident γδ T cells which had been challenging to isolate and study in the past. Under Professor Hayday’s supervision, Oliver identified a method to extract and grow these highly intriguing cells in large numbers, making them for the first time available for lab studies. These protocols, together with the initial research findings, formed the basis for King’s College London, The Francis Crick Institute and Cancer Research Technology to found GammaDelta Therapeutics in 2016.