Mozharovskyi Iurii
Senior iOS Developer
Computer Science
6+ years of iOS development experience - Swift, Objective-C - multithreading (NSThread, RunLoop), concurrency (NSOperation, GCD) - networking (NSURLConnection, NSURLSession, REST, OAuth, IMAP, SMTP, CFNetwork, BSD sockets) - CoreData, MapKit, StoreKit, iAd, Quartz 2D, EventKit, Social, Accounts, local and push notifications, AVFoundation, Core Animation, Core Graphics, Social Framework, Airplay, PhotoKit - Unit testing (SenTestingKit, XCTest, OCMock, googletest) - Xcode Instruments usage for tuning and debugging - 3rd party libraries, services: CocoaPods, AFNetworking, Alamofire, MailCore, OCMock, MagicalRecord, libxml, AWS SDK, Facebook SDK, VK SKD, Connect SDK, Crashlytics, Google Analytics, TestFlight - Git, SVN - software design patterns - OpenGL ES 1.1 - OS X, C++ experience (STL, BOOST) - basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java Core 6+ years of iOS development experience - Swift, Objective-C - multithreading (NSThread, RunLoop), concurrency (NSOperation, GCD) - networking (NSURLConnection, NSURLSession, REST, OAuth, IMAP, SMTP, CFNetwork, BSD sockets) - CoreData, MapKit, StoreKit, iAd, Quartz 2D, EventKit, Social, Accounts, local and push notifications, AVFoundation, Core Animation, Core Graphics, Social Framework, Airplay, PhotoKit - Unit testing (SenTestingKit, XCTest, OCMock, googletest) - Xcode Instruments usage for tuning and debugging - 3rd party libraries, services: CocoaPods, AFNetworking, Alamofire, MailCore, OCMock, MagicalRecord, libxml, AWS SDK, Facebook SDK, VK SKD, Connect SDK, Crashlytics, Google Analytics, TestFlight - Git, SVN - software design patterns - OpenGL ES 1.1 - OS X, C++ experience (STL, BOOST) - basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java Core
Research Interest
Software Development, iOS, OS X, Git, Cocoa Touch, Xcode, Unit Testing