Skripnichenko Konstantin Valerievich
On Clinic
Proctologist, surgeon. The first category. Experience over 10 years. In 2002 he graduated from Kharkov National University by V.N Karazin, Faculty "Fundamental Medicine" specialty "Medicine"; 2002-2003. – Internship at the department of surgery and proctology in Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, specialty "General surgery"; 2003-2006. – Surgeon of emergency in Kharkov city clinical hospital of emergency medical assistance; Since 2007 – a surgeon of polytrauma department of Kharkov Regional Clinical Hospital; In 2007, an internship, training in methodical center "Medical IT Group – St. Petersburg" in conjunction with Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Saint-Petersburg); Since 2007 – works at the medical center ON CLINIC Kharkov as a proctologist. 2016 – courses of thematic advanced "treatment of hemorrhoids by transanal Doppler disarterisation (HAL-RAR)» on the basis of Krankenhaus Göttlicher Heiland, Vienna, Austria.
Research Interest