
Dentistry Experts

Dr. Chris Baker

Pediatric Dentist
Pediatric Dentist
Advanced American Dental Center
United Arab Emirates


Your child’s orthodontic treatment is provided by Dr. Chris Baker, a pioneer in the field. Dr. Chris is a current and/or former faculty member at three American dental schools, and is the author of the textbook on pediatric dentistry and orthodontics, Your Child’s Smile. Dr Chris is Past President of the American Orthodontic Society. Dr. Chris’ orthodontic treatment creates dramatic results: Orthodontic devices help eliminate thumb-sucking. Identification of a child’s airway issues, which lead to ADD symptoms, bed-wetting and other problems, are referred for proper treatment, AND appropriate expansion treatment is provided Class III “jutting chin” is treated, and its severity diminished, even in small children, in many cases avoiding the later need for surgery to treat the protruding lower jaw. Class II “buck teeth” are brought into line, diminishing traumatic episodes and fractures. With earlier treatment, orthodontic treatment as a teenager or young adult is often shortened greatly or avoided. Accurate growth diagnosis by Dr. Chris typically shortens treatment time for your child by months to years. Dr. Chris is from Texas, USA. After practicing as a critical care Registered Nurse for 10 years, she earned her DMD from the University of Kentucky College Of Dentistry and her Pediatric Dentistry specialty as well as a fellowship in the Orthodontic department at the University of Connecticut, and then joined the faculty in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. After more than 25 years in dentistry, Dr. Chris’s approach to pediatric dentistry and orthodontics is based in prevention, with emphasis on orthodontic treatment procedures for the preschool and school-age child to improve the healthy, most attractive growth of the entire face. As Senior Instructor for the American Orthodontic Society, Dr. Chris teaches seminars on Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics across the USA and around the world. Her experience and extensive knowledge of child behavior, parenting and child management are elements integrated in her practice and teaching.

Research Interest

Pediatric Dentist

Global Experts from United Arab Emirates

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