Dr. Mark Wilkins
Corneal Surgeon and Corneal Service Director
Gulf Diagnostic Center Hospital
United Arab Emirates
"Dr. Wilkins is a specialist in corneal disease. He undertook his medical training, then surgery, neurosurgery and ophthalmology training in London, UK, before being appointed a Research Fellow at the Institute of Ophthalmology. He became an MRC Fellow at Moorfields Eye Hospital London in 2003, and has been a consultant at Moorfields London since 2006 and Head of the Corneal Service at Moorfields, since 2013. Dr Wilkins has three specialist areas of interest – cornea, cataract and refractive surgery. His interest in the cornea focused on the use of lamellar corneal graft surgery, inflammatory eye disease and the use of immunosuppression, and the use of the Boston keratoprosthesis. For cataract, his interest lies in the use of toric and multifocal IOLs. In refractive surgery, he uses the Technolas, VISX, and Schwind platforms for LASIK and LASEK procedures; as well as phakic IOLs and kerarings. Dr Wilkins has researched and published extensively on all his special areas of interest."
Research Interest