Dr. Kashif Nazir
Internal Medicine
Zulekha Hospitals
United Arab Emirates
Dr.Kashif has a medical career encompassing 15 years,with 12 years dedicated to Internal Medicine. Graduated from pioneer medical school Nishtar College in 2002 did internship in top notch tertiary care, Mayo hospital-Lahore. He was also associated with prestigious Fatima Memorial Hospital Lahore before leaving to UK after having done PLAB examination. Attained membership of Royal college of London, has vast experience in the UAE starting from Cedars JAIH, Kuwaiti Hospital and University Hospital-Sharjah. Recently moved from Sheikh Khalifa General hospital - UAQ
Research Interest
Acute Medicine Management of HDU and step downs from ICU,CCU. Outpatient conditions including Metabolic syndrome,covering Diabetes,Hypertension,Obesity,Lipid disorders Metabolic bone health Anemias Screening and initial management of medical comorbidities -Ischemic heart,valvular heart diseases,heart failures,liver and kidney disorders prior to referal to respective subspecialty.