John Alcock
Nursing Studies
Bangor University
United Kingdom
External Examiner Coventry University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, interdisciplinary dissertation module, BSc pre-registration programmes commencing September 2015. Module co-ordinator for Human Sciences Two, BN 2012 programme Dissertation supervision focusing on projects with a quantitative focus Reviewer for Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing since 2009. Edited by: Bernadette Melnyk - Impact Factor: 2.381. Reviewer for Nurse Education Today since 2014. Impact Factor: 1.456. Peer reviewer for Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellowship Scheme, 2013 & 2014 – involved in reviewing award winning application. External reviewer for Health and Care Research Wales (NISCHR) August 2015 Member of Healthcare and Medical Sciences Academic Ethics Committee since 2012
Research Interest
Adult Field Community nursing & community hospitals Flintshire & North Denbighshire (including district nurses, school nurses and health visitor teams).
Colville, G., Darkins, J., Hesketh, J., Bennett, V., Alcock, J. & Noyes, J. (2008) The impact on parents of a child’s admission to intensive care: integration of qualitative findings from a cross-sectional study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Journal. 25 (2), 72-79.
Bradbury-Jones, C. & Alcock, J. (2009) Nursing Students as Research Participants: a framework for ethical practice. Nurse Education Today. 30 (2), 192-196.
Priesack, A. & Alcock, J. (2015) Well-being and Self-efficacy in a Sample of Undergraduate Nurse Students: A Small Survey Study. Nurse Education Today