Marta Eichsteller
Lecturer in Sociology
School of Social Sciences
Bangor University
United Kingdom
Originally from Poland, Marta has a PhD from Bangor University. Her PhD work, titled: ‘Becoming a Citizen of the World – a narrative biographical study of new cosmopolitans’, was supervised by Prof. Howard Davis. Marta also completed her MSc in Sociology (Research) at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences (2008) as well as MA degree in Sociology at Jagiellonian University, Poland (2006). She also obtained a BA (Hons) in European Social Work as a joint degree between Froebelseminariet, Copenhagen, Denmark and Portsmouth University (2006). Marta joined Bangor University in 2008 when she was appointed research officer in the EU FP7 funded EuroIdentities project. In 2011 she was appointed Teaching Associate in Sociology at the School of Social Sciences, Bangor University. Languages: Polish, English, German (intermediate) and Russian (basic)
Research Interest
Formation of identity and belonging Transnationalism, cosmopolitanism and migrations in European and global context Human Rights and global social policy Education and acquisition of tacit and explicit knowledge Anthropology of cultural pluralism Philosophy of science Biographical research and construction of narratives Innovative methodological approaches in biographical and narrative data – mixed methods, configurational comparative analysis (QCA), narrative ethnography and fuzzy set analysis.
Davis H.H., Day G., Baker S., Eichsteller M.J. (2012) ‘International Education in Life Course’, (ed.) Robert Miller,The Evolution of European Identity, Palgrave Macmillan
Eichsteller M.J. (2012) ‘Identity process under construction: European identity and educational mobility in the case study of Majka’, In: (ed.) Robert Miller, Evolution of European Identity, Palgrave Macmillan
Eichsteller M.J. (2012) ‘Researching Biographies – Views from the Kitchen’, In: (ed.) Robert Miller, The Evolution of European Identity, Palgrave Macmillan