Dr Pat Beckley
Teacher Development
Bishop Grosseteste University
United Kingdom
Pat is working in Research within the School, developing projects with networks of colleagues locally, in Europe, particularly Norway, and in Africa. BGU colleagues and trainees are supported to raise their research profile, building on work with a Post-Doctoral Research Lecturer, Ph.D student and Ed.D Action Learning Set. Pat joined BGU in 2005 on the PGCE Primary programme, with responsibility for Early Years, and she undertook the Academic Co-ordinator role for the 3-7 cohort from 2007-2015. This comprised leading the 3-7 PGCE Primary Full-time, part-time and School Direct cohorts, as well as contributing to research and early years sessions in other courses such as EYTS, Early Childhood Studies and Masters programmes. Prior to this, Pat worked in schools, leading age phases 3-11 and gaining NPQH, before working with the Local Authority to support Early Years and Music in schools and settings.
Research Interest
School philosophy and environment.
Beckley, P. (ed) (2012) Learning in Early Childhood: A whole child approach from birth to eight London: Sage. Contributors include Anita Soni, Senior Psychologist; Rebecca Glenton Leading Teacher for Early Years; Sharon Marsden, Headteacher; Helen Hendry, Sue Lambert, Jane Johnston and Lindy Nahmad-Williams, Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln
Beckley, P. (ed) (2013) The New Early Years Foundation Stage: Changes, challenges and reflections. Published by OUP Contributors include academics at universities in Leeds Metropolitan, Birmingham, Northampton, York St. John, St Mary’s Canada, Anglia Ruskin, Cumbria, Worcester and experts such as Elizabeth Carruthers (mathematics) and Anita Soni and Liz Creed (psychology)
Lindon, J. Beckley. P, Lindon. L. (2016) (2nd ed,) Effective Early Years Leadership London: Hodder