Dr Jyoti Mishra
Director, Work Placement & Internship
Faculty of Management of Law
Bradford University
United Kingdom
Jyoti holds a PhD in Management from University of Leeds, MSc in Informatics with distinction from University of Bradford and BSc in Electronics Engineering from Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University. Before joining School of Management in January 2014, she was a post-doctoral researcher at AIMTech Research Group, University of Leeds working on two EU FP7 funded projects, ImREAL and ACROPOLIS. While at AIMTech, Jyoti was involved in several projects investigating technology use for organisations. She has also undertaken consultancy for the UK Police Services. Jyoti had taught Information Management in Organisation, Quantitative Maths and ICT modules to undergraduate and postgraduate students at Leeds University Business School. Prior to working in the UK, for five years Jyoti had taught electronics and telecommunication modules to the engineering students in Nepal. Jyoti holds a visiting research fellow at University of Leeds and is also a RIA (Risk Interpretation and Action) fellow at International Social Science Council.
Research Interest
ICT use for sustainable operations management Expert decision making in uncertain environments Information sharing in multi-agency organisations/ public sector Information technology for effective emergency management Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Supply Chain Management Circular Economy Industries/professions: Public Sectors Blue Light Services Telecommunications
Mishra, J. L., Allen, D. & Pearman, A. (2015). Information seeking, use and decision making: Understanding the role of expertise. Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 66 (4), p. 662-673. DOI: 10.1002/asi.23204
Mishra, J. L., Allen, D. & Pearman, A. (2015). Understanding decision making during emergencies: a key contributor to resilience. EURO Journal on Decision Processes, 3 (3), p 397- 424. (DOI) 10.1007/s40070-015-0039-z
Khan, S., Mishra, J.L., Lin, K.E. & Doyle, E.E.H. (2017). Rethinking Communication in Risk Interpretation and Action. Natural Hazards. DOI 10.1007/s11069-017-2942-z