Hadar Zaman
Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice/Admissions Tutor
School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences
Bradford University
United Kingdom
Hadar Zaman graduated from the University of Bradford with a 1st class MPharm in 2008. After completion of his preregistration year Hadar specialised in mental health pharmacy and held various positions in the NHS and gained his Independent Prescriber qualification in 2012. Currently, Hadar is a consultant mental health pharmacist for Alternative Futures Group, the largest independent mental health provider in the North West of England leading the medicines management agenda for the organisation. He combines this with his membership of the national Medications Safety Officer network. He is contracted to the Care Quality Commission as a Specialist Advisor for the Mental Health Inspectorate demonstrating his expertise in the area of mental health. In addition to these secondary care roles, Hadar maintains practice in community pharmacy through his role as a superintendent pharmacist. Hadar has shown his commitment to the Pharmacy profession through his involvement with a number of professional bodies that span both teaching and clinical practice. He is an active member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's West Yorkshire Local Practice Forum and simultaneously a stakeholder in the Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire development academy. He is the lead for Public Health for the NHS England Local Pharmacy Network, a position which he created to reflect the importance of this area for Pharmacy. Hadar is a committee member for both national (NICE) and international (European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, EACCI) organisation involved with developing national/international prescribing guidelines. Recognition of Hadar’s professional development culminated in his acceptance as a Faculty Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (Advance Level II) in January 2016. He has also been appointed to Royal Pharmaceutical Society expert advisory group on Pre-Registration Pharmacy education. Hadar is the founder and chair of the annual Pharmacy Futures conference which provides a platform for national stakeholders to discuss and debate issues relating to pharmacy. Hadar became a fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2015 and is currently a lecturer in Pharmacy practice. He leads and delivers across all stages for the MPharm course and Post-Graduate Pharmacy courses and is currently an external examiner for the Non-Medical Prescribing course at Anglia Ruskin University. External to the University of Bradford, Hadar has recently been appointed as a Pre-Registration tutor for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and ProPharmace. In addition to his teaching and professional activities, Hadar has an active research portfolio that spans both basic and applied research. His current PhD project centres on understanding mechanism underlying polymer chemistry for drug delivery. His applied research interests focus on Health Services Research, compiling several systematic reviews in the area of allergy immunotherapy that will lay the foundation for subsequent development of prescribing guidelines through collaboration with external institutes. Hadar is a lead author for a Cochrane systematic review on Benzodiazepine use in psychosis induced aggression and agitation. Hadar's research output was included as an impact case for the 2014 REF exercise and continues to work towards his REF 2021 returns.
Research Interest
Medicines Optimisation Health Services Research Patient Safety Polymer Chemistry
Armitage., G and Zaman., H. Medicines Management Toolkit for Children Palliative Care Sector. Together for Short Lives. August 2014.
Pieroni, A., Zaman, H., Ayub, S., Torry, B. "My doctor doesn't understand why I use them": Herbal and food medicines amongst the Bangladeshi community in West Yorkshire, UKâ€. Pardo de Santayana, M., Pieroni, A., Puri, R. (Eds.) Ethnobotany of Europe, 2009, Berghahn, Oxford, UK