Peter Petkoff
Senior Lecturer
Politics and History
Brunel University
United Kingdom
Dr Peter Petkoff is a Law Lecturer at the Brunel Law School. He is also Director of the Religion, Law and International Relations Programme, a collaborative international research network at Regent's Park College, Oxford, and Managing Editor of the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion. He is Legal Consultant on Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression for the Representative on Freedom of the Media at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a TEPSA consultant of the European Parliament as well as a consultant for the All Party Parliamentary Group on International Freedom of Religion or Belief at the House of Lords. Peter is involved in cutting edge research on the relationship between religion and politics and law and religion. In his capacity as Director of the Religion, Law and International Relations Programme at Regent’s Park College, Oxford, he brings together lawyers, theologians, philosophers, social and political scientists and aims to develop innovative interdisciplinary strategies for studying law, religion and international relations from legal and theological perspectives.
Research Interest
Law and Religion, Canon Law, EC Law, Intellectual Property, Comparative and International Law, European Union Law, International Trade Law, Legal history, Media law, Public International Law, Jurisprudence