
Environmental Sciences Experts

George Karani

Environmental Health
Cardiff Metropolitan University
United Kingdom


George Karani is a Professor of Environmental Health. He was born in Kenya and educated at the Universities of Nairobi (BSc. and MSc.) and Leeds (PhD). Research degree students-Recent completed Research degree students-Recent completed As Director of Study 1. Dr. David Musoke: Integrated approach to malaria prevention in rural communities in Uganda: experiences, perceptions and practices, PhD. 2. Dr. Abdulaziz Al Sawai: Determination of heavy metal contamination in the surface sediments at Sohar Industrial Port ( SIP) and the surrounding coastal regions, PhD 3. Major Dr. Abdulla Hammoudi: Causes and strategies to reduce road traffic accidents in Abu Dhabi, PhD. 4. Dr. Guma Mohammed: Physical and chemical composition of particulate pollutants in Cardiff urban atmosphere, PhD. 5. Dr. Mustafa Megrahi: Case study to evaluate working environment at materials recycling facility in South Wales, UK, PhD. 6. Dr. Elhadi Abogrean: Physio-Chemical Parameters of wet deposition In Cardiff, PhD. 7. Dr Chris Hazell: Air pollution and associated cardiovascular health effects, PhD. 8. Mark Bradburn, MPhil: Does renovation of houses result in a significant change in the indoor environment? 9. Guma Mohammed, MPhil: The evaluation of the working environment within Small – Medium chemical Enterprises, SMEs, in Wales. As Supervisor 10. Dr Jo Atkinson: Evaluating retrofitted external wall insulation, PhD 11. Dr. Colin Powell: Risk Perception and Safety Practices: the implications for safety initiatives and incident prevention in an outdoor adventure activity, PhD Current PhD students As Director of Study Brigadier Ali Naimi: Determination of the effects of land reclamation on Doha Coastal region, Qatar Ahmed Rahal Evaluation of environment & occupational health issues at a selection of oil industries in Libyan Libya Brigadier Amans Sulaiti: Evaluation of fire fighters health and well-being in Doha, Qatar Mr. Simon Kimani: Integrated sustainable waste management and their impact on public health and women in Kenya. Colonel Ali Saeed Al Meqbali: Determination of natural radioactivity in the United Arab Emirates. (writing up) Supervisor Mr. Nick Bell: An investigation of methods used by construction clients to measure and influence Environmental Health and Safety Performance Aisha Dodo: Psychosocial barriers to health and healthcare seeking behaviour with reference to breast and cervical cancers in Northern Nigeria Mrs. Gayle Davies: Neighbourhood Noise Management in Wales – Developing Evidence Based Intervention Strategies to Safeguard Public Health and Quality of Life DProf ​Ms Geraldine Seguela: Waste management at Cleveland Hospital Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirate Mr. Paul Marais: The suitability and practicality of rammed earth for housing in South Africa

Research Interest

eorge's research group are working on a number of environment and community health topics including Poverty related diseases, Emergency preparedness and response, Traffic accidents, Environmental radiation, Waste management, Pollution in ports and harbours, PM10 & PM2.5 particulate matter and Climate change. He is actively engaged in research, consultancy and knowledge transfer projects in the UK, Europe, East & West Africa, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar George was the academic staff representative at University Research and Enterprise Board 1999-2014.

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