Dr. Alex Elliott
Lake Ecosystem Modeller
Ecology and Hydrology
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
United Kingdom
He is a Lake Ecosystem Modeller based at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Lancaster. His role is to examine various aspects of phytoplankton community assembly, including species succession, the effects of disturbance events, climate change impacts and lake restoration. To assist in this task, he use the PROTECH (Phytoplankton RespOnses To Environmental CHange) model, which simulates the growth of multiple algal species in lakes and reservoirs. He have being working with the model for over 15 years and have published over 60 papers (h-index 24, >1700 citations) .
Research Interest
Ecology and Hydrology
Janssen Annette B.G.; Arhonditsis George B.; Beusen Arthur; Bolding Karsten; Bruce Louise; Bruggeman Jorn; Couture Raoul-Marie; Downing Andrea S.; Alex Elliott J.; Frassl Marieke A.; Gal Gideon; Gerla Daan J.; Hipsey Matthew R.; Hu Fenjuan; Ives Stephen C.; Janse Jan H.; Jeppesen Erik; Jöhnk Klaus D.; Kneis David; Kong Xiangzhen; Kuiper Jan J.; Lehmann Moritz K.; Lemmen Carsten; Özkundakci Deniz; Petzoldt Thomas; Rinke Karsten; Robson Barbara J.; Sachse René; Schep Sebastiaan A.; Schmid Martin; Scholten Huub; Teurlincx Sven; Trolle Dennis; Troost Tineke A.; Van Dam Anne A.; Van Gerven Luuk P.A.; Weijerman Mariska; Wells Scott A.; Mooij Wolf M.; , 2015, Exploring, exploiting and evolving diversity of aquatic ecosystem models: a community perspective. , 49, 513-548 Elliott J. Alex; McElarney Yvo
Whitehead Paul G.; Bussi Gianbattista; Bowes Michael J.; Read Daniel S.; Hutchins Michael G.; Elliott J. Alex; Dadson Simon J.; , 2015, Dynamic modelling of multiple phytoplankton groups in rivers with an application to the Thames river system in the UK. , 74, 75-91
Page Trevor; Smith Paul J.; Beven Keith J.; Jones Ian D.; Elliott J. Alex; Maberly Stephen C.; Mackay Eleanor B.; De Ville Mitzi; Feuchtmayr Heidrun; , 2017, Constraining uncertainty and process-representation in an algal community lake model using high frequency in-lake observations. Ecological Modelling, 357, 1-13