
Environmental Sciences Experts

Dr. Ben Langford

Atmospheric Scientist
Ecology and Hydrology
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
United Kingdom


His experience includes 2011 to date: Atmospheric Physicist/Chemist (Band 6), Reactive Gases and Aerosols Group, CEH at Edinburgh, 2010-2011: Post Doctoral Research Associate, Amherst College & Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA. Working with PTR-TOF in isoprene oxidation chamber studies and developing software to allow for VOC flux measurements, 2008-2010: Post Doctoral Research Associate, Lancaster Environment Centre, UK. Working on the OP3 project, leading above-canopy flux measurements of VOCs from a South-East Asian tropical rainforest, 2004-2008: PhD in Environmental Science, Thesis: "Development and application of disjunct eddy covariance techniques for the measurement and interpretation of fluxes of volatile organic compounds from urban and rural canopies", Lancaster University/CEH and 2001-2004: BSc (Hons) Environmental Science, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University.

Research Interest

Development of new approaches for flux measurements of trace gases and aerosols, Development of custom logging and post-processing routines for micrometeorological measurements of VOC and aerosols in LabVIEW and Igor Pro, Quantification of aerosol composition and emission factors through the use of factor analysis and Creating new, or optimizing existing emission model parameterisations based on eddy-covariance flux data.


  • Warwick, N.J.; Archibald, A.T.; Ashworth, K.; Dorsey, J.; Edwards, P.M.; Heard, D.E.; Langford, B.; Lee, J.; Misztal, P.K.; Whalley, L K.; Pyle, J.A., 2013, A global model study of the impact of land-use change in Borneo on atmospheric composition. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 9183-9194

  • Valach, A.C.; Langford, B.; Nemitz, E.; MacKenzie, A.R.; Hewitt, C.N., 2014, Concentrations of selected volatile organic compounds at kerbside and background sites in central London . Atmospheric Environment, 95, 456-467

  • Langford B.; Acton W.; Ammann C.; Valach A.; Nemitz E.; , 2015, Eddy-covariance data with low signal-to-noise ratio: time-lag determination, uncertainties and limit of detection. , 8, 4197-4213

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