
Environmental Sciences Experts

Dr. Paul A Scholefield

Large Scale Ecological Modeller
Ecology and Hydrology
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
United Kingdom


His role at CEH requires expertise in the preparation, handling and statistical analysis of temporal and spatial data, in order to aid the provision of answers to a wide range of ecological questions. He have a broad overview of the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles through his work on biospheric trace gas emissions (Lancaster University), soil and crop nitrogen modelling (ADAS), and diffuse pollution research (Centre for Sustainable Water Management, Lancaster). He have over 10 years experience of using GIS and database management software, and a working knowledge of Matlab, FME and SAS. He have led the development of a major research platform in the Ribble and Wyre catchments, one of four CEH Source-to-Sea Observatories. He was actively involved in the Countryside Survey 2007 Integrated Assessment, led the development of the Defra habitat connectivity indicator for CEH and he is developing projects on ecosystem services for water quality and aquatic habitats.Currently researching the use of UAVs for fine scale mapping and habitat classification of remote environments, such as upland bogs, peatlands and moorland. The broader scale mapping of linear features in the UK and the development of real time carbon sensing technology as part of a STFC funded CLASP award.

Research Interest

Data ‘wrangling’ and analytics. Data fusion. Big data. Predictive modelling. Field data collection. Uncertainty. Ecology and hydrology.


  • Norton Lisa; Greene Sheila; Scholefield Paul; Dunbar Mike; , 2015, The importance of scale in the development of ecosystem service indicators?.

  • Scholefield Paul; Morton Dan; Rowland Clare; Henrys Peter; Howard David; Norton Lisa; , 2016, A model of the extent and distribution of woody linear features in rural Great Britain. Ecology and Evolution

  • Sullivan Martin J.P.; Pearce-Higgins James W.; Newson Stuart E.; Scholefield Paul; Brereton Tom; Oliver Tom H.; , 2017, A national-scale model of linear features improves predictions of farmland biodiversity . Journal of Applied Ecology

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