Helen Hesketh
Ecology & Hydrology
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
United Kingdom
2003 - I Joined the CEH Disease Ecology group to work on a Defra project investigating the potential to exploit mixed pathogen infections for biological control of Horticultural pests. 2001 - Horticulture Research International (East Malling). Numerous projects in top fruit (apples, cherries) and soft fruit (primarily strawberries) involving chemical and biological pest control. This inluded work with; entomopathogenic fungi, synthetic pesticides and pheromones against aphids, weevils and Lepidoptera. 2001 - Central Science Laboratory (York - now fera). Short project involving bioprospecting for potential biological control agents for the common house dust mite. This was funded by DtI as a blue skies project with a private company. 1999 - HortResearch, Canterbury (NZ). Comparison of native and exotic entomopathogenic fungi to control diamondback moth and common NZ leafroller species, building on work developed between Rothamsted Research and HortResearch
Research Interest
Ecology & Hydrology
Hesketh H.; Lahive E.; Horton A.A.; Robinson A.G.; Svendsen C.; Rortais A.; Dorne J.-L.; Baas J.; Spurgeon D.J.; Heard M.S.; , 2016, Extending standard testing period in honeybees to predict lifespan impacts of pesticides and heavy metals using dynamic energy budget modelling. Scientific Reports, 6
Heard Matthew S.; Baas Jan; Dorne Jean-Lou; Lahive Elma; Robinson Alexander G.; Rortais Agnes; Spurgeon David J.; Svendsen Claus; Hesketh Helen; , 2017, Comparative toxicity of pesticides and environmental contaminants in bees: are honey bees a useful proxy for wild bee species?. Science of the Total Environment, 578, 357-365