Prof. Michael Acreman
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
United Kingdom
His main research interests lie at the interface between hydrology and ecology. He focus on the water needs of aquatic ecosystems, including rivers and wetlands. He recently led the definition of UK river requirements to meet the European Water Framework Directive. As leader of the World Bank Environment Flow advisory panel, He have been supporting the development of environmental flow allocations in Tanzania and China and advising on global programme. He coordinated the definition of guidelines on environmental flow releases from reservoirs as the UK contribution to the World Commission on Dams. His other major research area is the hydrological functions of wetlands. Recent work has included the development of methods to assess the vulnerability of wetlands in the Himalayas and restoration of wetlands through reinstallation of surface topography. As a member of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel of the International Convention on Wetlands responsible for water programme, he have developed guidance for Contracting Parties groundwater and water quality issues of wetlands.
Research Interest
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Laize C.; Nineham N.; Dunbar M.; Hannah D.; Bell V.; Acreman M.; , 2017, Loss of habitat and connectivity during drought. In: HydroEco 2017, 6th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology, Birmingham, UK, 18Ââ€23 June 2017
Blake J.R.; Blyth K.; Mountford J.O.; Stratford C.; Roberts C.; Acreman M.C.; , 2016, Great Fen Project: hydro-ecological model development, sustainability assessment and refined vision (stage 2).
Newman J.R; Atherton L.; Webb G.; Gill A.; Williams H.; Creer E.; Johnson H.; Cox B.; Edwards F.; Soley R; Duenas M.A.; Laize C.; Acreman M.C.; , 2017, Does an artificial alteration of flow caused by abstraction, impoundment or discharge change ecology in British rivers?.