Steven Allin
Joint CEO
Chemistry and Pharmacology
Charnwood Molecular Ltd
United Kingdom
Steve is a majority shareholder of Charnwood Molecular and is a founding Director. Steve graduated from the University of Liverpool with a degree in Chemistry and Pharmacology, and obtained his Ph.D. from Liverpool in the area of asymmetric synthesis. Steve gained postdoctoral experience with Professor Alan R. Katritzky at the Centre for Heterocyclic Compounds, University of Florida. Steve was Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Reader in Organic Chemistry at Loughborough University from 1997 until 2008. He was Professor of Organic Chemistry at Keele University from 2008-2012, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Forensics at Nottingham Trent University from 2012-2015, Head of the NTU Doctoral School and a member of the University Leadership Team from 2015-2017. From February 2017 Steve will combine a part-time role as Professor of Organic Chemistry at NTU with day-to-day leadership and management of Charnwood Molecular. Steve has a proven research track record in heterocyclic chemistry, natural product synthesis and asymmetric synthesis.
Research Interest
Chemistry and Pharmacology