
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Andy Pratt

Department of Sociology
City University London
United Kingdom


"Andy is an internationally acclaimed expert on the topic of the cultural industries. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences. He has held academic appointments at University College London (Bartlett School of Planning) and LSE (Geography, and Urban Research Centre), King’s College, London (Culture, Media and Creative Industries). He joined City University as Professor of Cultural Economy in 2013. "

Research Interest

"Andy's research specialisms are: the analysis of the cultural industries in the US, Europe and Japan. This research has three strands. The first focuses on the urban spatial clustering of cultural industries; he is particularly interested in the social and economic dynamics of clustering. He has done case studies of the film, music, advertising, computer games, and fashion industries. The second strand concerns the definition and measurement of employment in the cultural, or creative, industries. He has developed definitions of the cultural sector that are used as standard measures by UNCTAD and UNESCO. The third strand of concern is policy making for the cultural and creative industries. "


  • Pratt, A.C. and Hutton, T.A. (2013). Reconceptualising the relationship between the creative economy and the city: Learning from the financial crisis. Cities, 33, pp. 86–95

  • Pratt, A.C. (2015). Resilience, locality and the cultural economy. City, Culture and Society, 6(3), pp. 61–67

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