Vali Asimit
Cass Business School
City University London
United Kingdom
"Vali Asimit joined Cass in January 2011 as a Lecturer in Actuarial Science. Previously, he had been a Lecturer in Actuarial Science at the University of Manchester for two years. Vali had studied Economics at the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania. He has an MSc in Statistics from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He pursued his doctoral research on ""Dependence Modelling with Applications in Finance and Insurance"" at the University of Western Ontario. As part of his academic work he has published and acted as referee for international statistical and actuarial journals. Vali received the 2010 Fortis Award for the best Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (IME) journal paper presented at the 14th International Congress of IME. "
Research Interest
"Optimal Risk Transfers Optimal Investment under Solvency II Robust decision-making"
Asimit, A.V., Hashorva, E. and Kortschak, D. (2017). Aggregation of randomly weighted large risks. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 28(3), pp. 403–419.