
Environmental Sciences Experts

Philip Longhurst

Centre for Bioenergy & Resource Management
Cranfield University
United Kingdom


Phil has a PhD in Innovation & Technology Assessment, and a degree in Design and Technology and B.Ed. (Hons). On completion of his doctoral studies hedeveloped a programme of research studies assessing the impact of waste management on air quality and neighbouring communities. He adapted measurement and assessment methods from meteorology and agricultural applications to predict the impact of landfill operations on households. Information from these methods were used to inform operators on options for improvement, advise on the potential impacts and opportunities for the control of operations for planning applications, and assess the potential for new methods of operational control and regulation. Prior to his research career, Phil completed his initial studies at the London College of Furniture and then worked in the furniture industry and associated trades. He trained as a teacher of Design and Technology gaining sponsorship for the development of demonstrator wind tunnels for use in education, then joined Cranfield University to further develop his research and industry interests.

Research Interest

Prof. Philip's research investigates the way that materials can be recovered or diverted from landfill to improve resource use and reduce environmental pollution.

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