Brian Pound
Veterinary Sciences
CVS Group plc
United Kingdom
Brian Pound was born in Shropshire into a farming family. He initially trained to be a Management accountant with ICI before moving into the agricultural sector. In 1970 he moved into the poultry industry where his work in helping resolve a devastating outbreak of Newcastle disease put him in touch with the pharmaceutical industry. In 1975 he joined Duphar Veterinary Limited (now Zoetis) and in 1978 was appointed Managing Director. He served as Chairman of NOAH; he worked alongside Des Thompson OBE MRCVS to help set up National Pet Week (now National Pet Month) & he worked alongside Dr. Andrew Higgins MRCVS from the Animal Health Trust to establish the Annual Equestrian Awards ceremony. He assisted in setting up SPVS Snowscene where he was one of the initial speakers alongside Dixon Gunn MRCVS in providing business training for veterinary surgeons. Duphar was taken over by Solvay SA of Belgium in 1981. From then until 1999 Brian served as CEO of 4 Solvay subsidiaries in Hampshire, Reading, Anglesey & Warrington plus 3 years managing one of its US subsidiaries in Iowa. In 1999 he helped set up CVS (UK) Ltd taking on the role of Acquisition Director. He remains an Executive Director of CVS.
Research Interest
Pharmaceutical, Veterinary