Davide Vampa
Department of Politics & Public Policy
De Montfort University
United Kingdom
Davide Vampa holds a PhD in Politics from the European University Institute. Before joining DMU he was Assistant Professor in Quantitative Research Methods at the University of Nottingham. His research interests focus on the link between multi-level party politics and public policy. In particular he is interested in the politics of welfare in decentralised systems. He has also worked on the transformation of local and regional representation in Western Europe. His research approach is intended to demonstrate that quantitative and qualitative methods, rather than being mutually exclusive, can be fruitfully combined to yield ‘a synergistic value’.
Research Interest
Politics and public policy, politics of welfare
Vampa D, McDonnell D (2016) The Lega Nord- Understanding Populist Party Organisation: A Comparative Analysis. Palgrave Populism Series 105–129.