Nicky hudson
School of Applied Social Sciences
De Montfort University
United Kingdom
Nicky Hudson is a medical sociologist with particular expertise in social and cultural significance of reproduction, infertility and assisted reproductive technologies. Her work also focuses on the sociology of chronic illness. Uniting these themes is an emphasis on intersectionalities and questions of individual-biomedicine-society relations. She has received funding for her work from the Economic and Social Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, Foundation for Sociology of Health and Illness and the National Institute for Health Research. Her research is characterised by a strong commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration, social translation and impact.
Research Interest
Gender, health and healthcare, Social Research Methods
Hudson N (2017) Making ‘assisted world families’? Parenting projects and family practices in the context of globalised gamete donation. Sociological Research Online 22: 4.
Culley L (2017) Qualitative study of the impact of endometriosis on male partners. Human Reproduction 32: 1667-1673.