
Pharmaceutical Sciences Experts

Humphery-smith Ian

Pharmaceutical Sciences
United Kingdom


Ian was born in Australia, but now enjoys French citizenship. He trained in infectious diseases, immunology and molecular biology and is recognized as a pioneer in the field of proteomics. Since 2002, Ian has consulted internationally for Deomed Limited offering sector expertise in Biotech, IT, Pharma R&D, analytical instrumentation businesses, healthcare and over time exposure to an increasingly diverse range of business areas, especially cleantech. His consulting duties have encompassed the private & public sectors, listed & non-listed companies, family ventures and multinational enterprises - all with a focus on business strategy development. In 2005 to 2007, Ian worked as CEO of the Biosystems Informatics Limited, a UK / Russian IT R&D enterprise. Previously, he was CEO of Glaucus Proteomics B.V., a protein biochip company based in The Netherlands. He established Glaucus Industries, Australia in 1996 and prepared a move off-shore, facilitated by Fujisawa Investment Fund. His early proteomics work in Australia was funded by GlaxoWellcome and he has successfully raised capital for his own ventures or those of clients in Australia, Japan, UK, The Netherlands, Spain, USA and Russia. In 2001, he founded the Human Proteome Organisation to take-up the gauntlet of the next phase of the Human Genome Project. His publications include 5 books, >100 referred articles & 10 patents. For many years, he has been a keen proponent of the need to transform medicine into a more mathematically-driven discipline and was honoured for these efforts in 2001 by TIME Magazine as a member of their “Top Digital 25”. In 2008, Ian founded African Renewable Energies Limited, a company focused on provision of utility-scale renewable energy.

Research Interest

Human Genome Project

Global Experts from United Kingdom

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