Catherine Dousteyssier-khoze
Associate Professor
School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Durham University
United Kingdom
Catherine Dousteyssier-Khoze is Associate Professor / Deputy Head of School in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures and Member in the Centre for Visual Arts and Culture.
Research Interest
Catherine Dousteyssier-Khoze's research focuses on three main areas: Nineteenth-Century French literature and culture (Parody); French Cinema and Creative Writing.
Dousteyssier-Khoze, Catherine. (2005). Naturalisme et pantomime, ou la mimésis en jeu(x). Les Cahiers naturalistes 79: 227-242.
Dousteyssier-Khoze, Catherine. (2007). LHumanité de Bruno Dumont: film expérimental naturaliste? Excavatio XXII: 207-215.
Dousteyssier-Khoze, Catherine (2012). Mystification et parodie. Romantisme 156: 26-38.
Dousteyssier-Khoze, Catherine (2013). Rodolphe Salis et Emile Zola: rencontres chatnoiresques. RITM (rencontres interdisciplinaires sur les textes modernes) 217-231.
Dousteyssier-Khoze, Catherine (2013). La Fille coupée en deux (2007) instabilité générique, théâtralité et « image-cristal » selon Claude Chabrol. Studies in French Cinema 13(1): 47-59.