Edmund Thomas
Assistant Professor
Department of Classics and Ancient History
Durham University
United Kingdom
Edmund Thomas is Associate Professor in Ancient Visual and Material Culture and Director of the Durham Centre for Classical Reception.He has written articles on the Pantheon and Septizodium in Rome, on Severan architecture and on Roman epigraphy, Roman sarcophagi and architectural aesthetics, and has jointly authored a work on the historical topography of Winchester from the late Iron Age to 1800 for the Historic Towns Atlas series, also to be published by OUP. He has spent lengthy periods of research in Rome and has been involved in archaeological excavations at Butrint in Albania.
Research Interest
His main research interests are Roman architecture and its relation to Roman society and culture and the reception of ancient architectural traditions in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and Baroque periods.
Thomas, E. (2012). Water and the display of power in Augustan Rome: the so-called ‘Villa Claudia’at Anguillara Sabazia. Water History, 4(1), 57-78.
Thomas, E. (2012). “Nero’s Tomb “and the crisis of the third century: Roman sarcophagi as public and private monuments. Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 61(1), 132-151.
Thomas, E. (2013). Chiasmus in Art and Text. Greece & Rome, 60(1), 50-88.
Thomas, E. (2017). The Cult Statues of the Pantheon. The Journal of Roman Studies, 1-67.