
Biomedical Sciences Experts

Steve Chivasa

Research Fellow
Department of Biosciences
Durham University
United Kingdom


Steve Chivasa is Research Fellow in the Department of Biosciences

Research Interest

Cells in multicellular organisms communicate with each other to synchronise their responses to internal and external growth & developmental cues. Cell-to-cell communication is essential in adaptive responses to both biotic and abiotic stress. The Arabidopsis plasma membrane is endowed with numerous receptor-like kinases with a ligand-binding ecto-domain and an intracellular kinase domain. This suggests that cell-cell communications via the apoplastic route could be more widespread than previously thought. The functions of only a handful of these plasma membrane receptors and their cognate ligands have been characterised. We are using proteomics, genomics, and metabolomics to identify genes/proteins/metabolites important in plant stress responses. By focusing on the Extracellular Matrix, we hope to capture signals and signal-regulatory proteins in this sub-cellular compartment with roles in programmed cell death and adaptive responses to drought and pathogen attack. We created an extensive in-house database of plant ECM proteins and we are mining publicly available crop datasets for linking with model plants.


  • Smith, SJ, Wang, Y, Slabas, AR & Chivasa, S (2014). Light regulation of cadmium-induced cell death in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 8(12): e27578.

  • Smith, Sarah J., Kroon, Johan. T. M., Simon, William. J., Slabas, Antoni R. & Chivasa, Stephen (2015). A novel function for Arabidopsis CYCLASE1 in programmed cell death revealed by iTRAQ analysis of extracellular matrix proteins. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 14(6): 1556-1568.

  • González-Torralva, F., Brown, A.P. & Chivasa, S. (2017). Comparative proteomic analysis of horseweed (Conyza canadensis) biotypes identifies candidate proteins for glyphosate resistance. Scientific Reports 7: 42565.

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