
Healthcare Experts

Gary Hutchison

Dean of Applied Sciences
School of Applied Sciences
Edinburgh Napier University
United Kingdom


Doctor Gary Hutchison was appointed Dean of Life, Sport and Social Sciences in August 2015. Dr Hutchison undertook his scientific training by completing an Honours degree in Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Stirling and went on to study an MSc in Drug Design and Biomedical Science before undertaking a PhD examining the toxicology of inhaled particles. In 2004 he began his post-doctoral career with the Medical Research Council in the Human Reproductive Sciences Unit, where he held two posts. In 2007 Gary took up his first academic appointment as a Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at Edinburgh Napier and became Director for the Centre for Nano Safety in 2009. In 2010 he was promoted to the post of Reader in Toxicology. Gary achieved his first academic leadership position in 2012 as interim Head of School before being appointed to the substantive post in 2013. In 2011 he was nominated and runner-up for the NEXXUS young scientist of the year award and was invited to join a British-Franco steering group set up to foster a strategy for cross-channel ‘nano' collaborations. He was Conference Programme Committee Chair and Acting Chair of the Organising Committee for the 3rd International Nanotoxicology conference. Gary is responsible for leading nano safety research at the University with the aim of identifying whether a variety of nanoparticles, objects, devices and medicines can enter the human body, interact with the respiratory, immune and reproductive systems and cause harm. He has secured and contributed to large collaborative nanotoxicology studies such as the EU FP7 projects ENPRA, ENRHES and MARINA and has also been supported by charities (European Respiratory Society, Welcome Trust, Carnegie Trust and Nuffield Foundation), government (Knowledge Transfer Partnership, Scottish Funding Council, Defra), and industry (GlaxoSmithKline). In recognition of his scientific contribution he acts as a reviewer for high-impact journals, RCUK research grants and grants for Swiss National Science Foundation. He has also provided critical assessment of work commissioned by the UK FSA and Defra. Dr Hutchison is currently a UK Government Scientific Advisor with membership of Defra’s Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee (HSAC); he is also a member of the NANoREG UK steering group and a member of the UK Government Nanotechnologies Strategy Forum. Gary is a member of the Scottish Life Sciences Association HR SIG. He is currently a member of the British Association for Lung Research (BALR); member of the Scottish Toxicology Interest Group; member of the British & European Society of Nanomedicine; member of the in vitro toxicology Society; member of the Scottish Stem Cell Network and member of the Edinburgh based Safety of nanomaterials Interdisciplinary Research Centre (SnIRC). He was co-founder of the International Network of Young Researchers in Male Fertility and a member of the MRC national committee for Women in Science (2005-2007).

Research Interest

His areas of expertise are Materials Public, health Pollutants, Reproductive health


  • Hougaard, K. S., Campagnolo, L., Chavatte-Palmer, P., Tarrade, A., Rousseau-Ralliard, D., Valentino, S., …Cassee, F. R. (2014). A perspective on the developmental toxicity of inhaled nanoparticles. Reproductive Toxicology. 56, 118-140. doi:10.1016/j.reprotox.2015.05.015. ISSN 0890-6238

  • Zhu, D., Farcal, L., Torres Andón, F., Di Cristo, L., Rotoli, B. M., Bussolati, O., …Fadeel, B. (2014). Comprehensive In Vitro Toxicity Testing of a Panel of Representative Oxide Nanomaterials: First Steps towards an Intelligent Testing Strategy. PLoS ONE. 10, e0127174. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127174. ISSN 1932-6203

  • Girardi, G., Fraser, J. A., Lennen, R., Vontell, R., Jansen, M. & Hutchison, G. (2014). Imaging of activated complement using ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (USPIO) - conjugated vectors: an in vivo in utero non-invasive method to predict placental insufficiency and abnormal fetal brain development. Molecular Psychiatry. 20, 1017-1026. doi:10.1038/mp.2014.110. ISSN 1359-4184

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